The following is a writing collected from a notebook and dated (based on surrounding material) to early- or mid-September, 1999. I wrote this at the age of 15, and it is the first record of IGITY-type thoughts that I have. The material is transcribed as accurately as possible.
When a feeling of emptyness is all you can find
after searching deep within yourself
Time has caught you
Time is the god of all. It causes anything to
end eventually, and causes new things to begin.
no god ever imagined in any bible or any
mind has more power than time.
Time, not god, is the creator of everything we know.
Without time, there would be nothing. Time
judges the outcome of every event, and every
person in the world depends on it
for everything. You may believe that you
are self-sufficient, and that you need nothing,
but you can't exist without time. No person,
god, or spirit can ever come close to achieving
the ultimate power of TIME.